Quilter's Yard Sale

If you’re wanting to participate in the sale there are a few rules and common practices we would like to adhere to. Treat this as if it were a yard sale you’re having at your own home, everyone needs to be responsible for themselves and their own items / money.

  • Please come around 5:45 pm to the legion on meeting night to set up a space for yourself and put your sale items out if you are participating. ALL sellers must have cash to make change for items they sell.

What can be included in the sale?

  • Fabric (yardage, precuts, backings, scraps, panels).

  • Kits for quilts, table runners, bags, etc.

  • Sewing, crochet, or knitting items and thread.

  • Batting and interfacing

  • Bag hardware, tools, notions, other misc. items

  • Patterns and Books

  • A few handmade items

What you’ll need: (sellers or buyers)

  • Cash, mostly in the form of small bills, maybe some larger bills.

  • Labels with prices on all of your items.

  • Label the exact size of any fabric cuts. (fat quarter, yard, 15” x WOF, etc)

  • A tote or bag to carry goodies home that you’ve purchased.

Ideas and Suggestions:

  • WOF = width of fabric (selvage to selvage). For example, sometimes it is easier to measure the fabric piece in your stash in inches and simply write 15” x WOF rather than attempting to calculate all yardage cuts in fraction form (ex: ¼ yard, ⅞ yard).

  • Curating a bundle from your stash to sell (pulling fabrics of certain colors and grouping them together) is something a lot of online sellers do. Just an idea!

  • Price everything to the nearest dollar as much as you can! For instance, something could be $1.00 instead of $0.75  to eliminate the need for shoppers to have actual coins for change.

  • Prices on the items are a must, but it's optional to also put your initials on the price sticker since you’ll likely share a table with another member. 

  • This isn't a craft show, so the majority of your items should not be handmade things. But a few of those are certainly okay. We’re mostly looking for fabric, notions, patterns, and other items that you would like to get out of your sewing room so you can make room for new stuff!

  • Inventory or track items sold if you want to have a record of it.

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